• Military Police Sub-Division 

    Secret Service

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    The Secret Service is mainly tasked with the protection of important figures within the USAF. We are also tasked with the safety of important events such as MP inspections and the USAF Wide Inspection. More information regarding the Secret Service is highly classified.


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    ---Board of Directors---
    [DSS] Director of the Secret Service
    [DD] Deputy Director of the Secret Service
    [ADD] Assistant Deputy Director of the Secret Service


    ---Board of Command---
    [CAIC] Chief Agent in Charge
    [SAIC] Special Agent in Charge
    [ASAIC] Assistant Special Agent in Charge


    --Board of Officers--
    [SO] Senior Officer
    [O] Officer
    [JO] Junior Officer



    [SUA] Supervisory Agent

    [SA] Special Agent

    [A] Agent



    [SR] Service Recruit

    [R] Recruit


  • Secret Service Leadership

    "Worthy of Trust and Confidence"

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    Overseer of the Secret Service

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    Director of the Secret Service


    Deputy Director of the Secret Service


    Assistant Deputy Director of the Secret Service


    Assistant Deputy Director of the Secret Service

  • Secret Service units

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    Counter Assault Team

    "Divert, suppress, Protect"

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    Uniformed Division

    "Professionalism, Protection, Purpose."

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    Office Of Training

    "Education is the greatest act of optimism."

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    Logistical Managemet


    "With logistics, with order and with progress"


    In the Secret Service, we have a total of 4 Active units. All 4 units play a huge part inside of SS and contributes alot to its specific job/detail.

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    CAT | Counter Assault Team.

    The Counter Assault Team is the elite unit of the Military Police Secret Service responsible for guarding the proximity around VIPs. We ensure that all areas VIPs enter are safe from any dangerous threats and the VIPs have a 20-stud exclusion from personnel. The Counter Assault Team is the backbone unit of the Military Police Secret Service and contain the most elite operators to ensure all VIPs are safe.

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    UD | Uniformed Division.

    The Uniformed Division has the responsibility of protecting the important places of the United States Military Academy along with the protection of the VIP. The Uniformed Division's duty is to station inside and/or outside buildings to provide security around the VIP. Uniform division is also responsible for the protection of the USAF wide inspection along with MP inspection.

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    OOT | Office of Training.

    OOT is responsible for training the incoming agents that join the secret service. Their goal is to build, develop, and educate the Agents into becoming the most mature in this subdivision.

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    LMT | Logistical Managment Team

    LMT objective is to handle the logistics within the Secret Service. As logistics, we make sure that these quotas are properly logged and monitored. Logistics are highly experienced agents that go through series of trainings to be able to understand/log important events inside of SS.

  • Secret service bootcamp

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    Recruit Requirements.


    - MPSS Informational Class.

    -Attend an Informational Class hosted by OOT.


    - MPSS Weapon Safety and Procedures Lecture.

    - Complete a Weapon Safety and Procedures Lecture hosted by OOT.


    - MPSS Discipline Lecture.

    - Understand the Discipline Lecture hosted by OOT.


    - MPSS Formation Drill.

    - Attend Two Formation Drills. You should perform decently in order to pass.


    - Combat Evaluation.

    - Pass the Combat Evaluation hosted by the Combat Evaluators for which you will have 2 attempts. If you fail both attempts you will be exiled from Secret Service.

    - Final Exam.

    - You will take this exam after completing all your bootcamp requirements this includes the Combat Evaluation too.



    Questions you may have:




    Where do I log events or guard VIPs?

    - You log your requirements in the #rec-event-logs, focus on completing your requirements to rank up and you cannot guard VIPs.


    Do I have to do my requirements in order?

    - No, any order. Doesn’t matter.


    Where do I request for promotion?

    - After finishing your bootcamp-requirements and after passing your Final Exam you will be promoted to "Service Recruit ", so you don't have to do any format.


    Want to know your deadline to complete bootcamp?

    - You have 2 weeks to complete your requirements.


    Need your Final Exam to be read?

    - DM/ping the specific OOT HC member. Do not mass ping/keeping DMing the person or your exam will be deleted. (They will get you as soon as possible.)


    Do we have Oath Of Silence (OOS) in Secret Service?

    - Yes, we do. You are NOT allowed to speak out of Team Chat, doing so will result in a punishment. If you want to speak to someone outside the MP team you have to whisper to the person instead.


    Are we allowed to go on the SS team as mobile?

    Easy and straightforward answer, NO.




    All Documents will be placed below with essential information. Any one caught leaking this information will be held accountable under BoD (Board of Directors) rules and regulations.

  • Made By: Hithere21245

    Assisted By: Laurphoria

    Approved By: Hardcore108